PART 46: "Precious Tears". Our tears, it is said, God collects in a bottle. His bottle. He feels every ounce of our pain. Every hurt matters. Every hurt, hurts. Our tears help us to release that pain, but knowing someone cares about them is a comfort in itself. Not one tear is wasted that God will not wipe away in the end. I painted this painting for the earthquake victims in Nepal and the surrounding area, and the other events around the world. I would call all this great tribulation. There is light at the end of the dark tunnel. Whatever situation of pain you might find yourself in. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Even in death, beloved, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there. Let your tears roll and fall into his Love. He cares. He sees every one. I pray His comfort comes to you to the place the tears fell from, and that He brings His calm, His hope, His peace and ultimately even His joy there.
I can remember so many things that caused pain when I was a child growing up, being a teen around drugs, being a young wife of an alcoholic husband, being a mom of teens, being a daughter of an alcoholic and drug addict. Many prayers and tears. The Lord never forsaked me, and He will never forsake you. I was thinking this morning as I was hugging Bryan and telling him how much I loved him, about when he was a little boy and his natural father and I shared custody. For a brief moment when I kissed him, I saw the same cute little freckly nose I used to see when he was a kid. God How I loved to kiss that little nose. Melts my heart. For all the moms and dads out there that have to share custody, my heart goes out to you. That is a big pain to be separated from your kid, especially when they live hours and hours away. A tear is always there, right on the edge ready to fall out when I think on those days. There are many days we can think on of the sadness we went through, but we can see the light was there all along in that dark tunnel. We can see His faithfulness in His grace to help us. So when we face new pains, we can remember what He got us through.
We can find great hope in others telling their story of what God got them through. The power of the testimony. Dear Lord, my heart breaks for all the pain I see in the world. It gives me comfort to know You feel our pain, that you are saving every tear. Until the day we are in Heaven and you wipe every one away, thank you that you send comfort through your Holy Spirit to our very heart. Help us to be a hero when we need to be and help us cry when we need to cry.
I have needed to cry with all that has gone on lately. The Bible said there would be dark days but that He would raise up a standard. That standard is us. Opening our hearts to His great love and light. Let us cry our tears, and let His braveness enter, and then the places of beauty we have found there, let us shine that. Let us tell that. Let us love. If you catch yourself putting your brother down, go back to the Love chapter and see how God would want your speech and heart to be. We have to shine. We have to love. We have to be the standard God is raising up. Who is going to show light in this darkness? YOU, children of God. We must stop hurting each other and humble ourselves and pray. Hearts have to be what is important. We need to weep with those that weep and mourn with those that mourn and rejoice with those that rejoice. We do not need to tear anyone down because they see things a little different. Holy Ghost is teaching us all. If we see a grave error, we can talk in love, and we can do it in a private message, not in open arguments on Facebook. Where is God's glory in that? Where is His Kingdom here on earth? It is not in that.
I have seen denominations tear down walls and remember to love. I have also seen them tear people down instead with the need to change another's point of view to theirs. The Bible says LOVE. When Bryan first got into his accident, and to this day, people of all denominations are praying for him. It was and is a beautiful thing. I see God in every last one of them. I see His love. And I see gracious words between them on my page. I am thankful for the love and prayers. Love is extended. I don't think anyone knows what my religion is. I don't actually like that word because it gives God a bad name. For the record, I was raised Methodist, then my Mom remarried a Baptist, Then as a teen I went to a Pentecostal church, then as a young adult a Nondenominational that was Charismatic (I think that is how you would put it) and I love them all, but they are not my religion. Each one has parts I love. But my religion, if anyone ask me, is JESUS. It is all about Him. What He did, why, what He made it possible for us to do. And even He weeps for and with us. Whatever burden we bare, He says to cast on Him. He says to call His Father our Father. He says to love one another. He says no greater love than to lay our life down for another. Can we not just hold our tongue back from lashing out a little bit and season our speech with the grace of our Lord? We can correct...but in love, and if we are not doing it in love, then what are we doing it in?
My heart breaks for what is going on in the world. Jesus in us is the hope of Glory. Let Him shine. Love and bring comfort to those around you. Cry with others. Help others. Love others. rejoice and laugh with others. Think, "others", and your life will be full.
I pray every hurtful place in your heart is given the grace to cry and heal. Let it go. It is going to a safe place. A place where He knows, and He cares, and one day, He will wipe away every tear. My heart is with you. I know that journey of tears. And I know it will be OK. It will be OK. You will be OK.
This painting was painted for the earthquake victims of Nepal. (selling today 7-5-15 for $31.95, prints also available for $5.95-$9.95) I have a ministry partner in Nepal named Evangelist Durbasha Luitel and a young student JFYPA has supported in studies and needs in Bryan's honor. Both say the government is not getting help to the people in the remote areas and not very well in the main areas. They are hungry, and need food, water, blankets, help with roofs for their house with Monsoon season upon them. For some, there is no home anymore. The earthquake took it. If you would like to help, you can click on this link: (you can copy paste and share it, too)
if you would like to be notified when I post new art or stories, please hit the like button on my page and from that same button select get notifications. Here's link: . I Also, I share a story about my son Bryan on a pic with a Lion attached (as well as throughout my blog) Part one, my testimony and what happened to Bryan is on the Lion and more stories on other pics in its comment section. I pray it is a blessing. Please share if you know someone who would be touched. Here is the link to that story:
Thank you so much! God bless you!
Love, Bryan's Mom (Pam)
I can remember so many things that caused pain when I was a child growing up, being a teen around drugs, being a young wife of an alcoholic husband, being a mom of teens, being a daughter of an alcoholic and drug addict. Many prayers and tears. The Lord never forsaked me, and He will never forsake you. I was thinking this morning as I was hugging Bryan and telling him how much I loved him, about when he was a little boy and his natural father and I shared custody. For a brief moment when I kissed him, I saw the same cute little freckly nose I used to see when he was a kid. God How I loved to kiss that little nose. Melts my heart. For all the moms and dads out there that have to share custody, my heart goes out to you. That is a big pain to be separated from your kid, especially when they live hours and hours away. A tear is always there, right on the edge ready to fall out when I think on those days. There are many days we can think on of the sadness we went through, but we can see the light was there all along in that dark tunnel. We can see His faithfulness in His grace to help us. So when we face new pains, we can remember what He got us through.
We can find great hope in others telling their story of what God got them through. The power of the testimony. Dear Lord, my heart breaks for all the pain I see in the world. It gives me comfort to know You feel our pain, that you are saving every tear. Until the day we are in Heaven and you wipe every one away, thank you that you send comfort through your Holy Spirit to our very heart. Help us to be a hero when we need to be and help us cry when we need to cry.
I have needed to cry with all that has gone on lately. The Bible said there would be dark days but that He would raise up a standard. That standard is us. Opening our hearts to His great love and light. Let us cry our tears, and let His braveness enter, and then the places of beauty we have found there, let us shine that. Let us tell that. Let us love. If you catch yourself putting your brother down, go back to the Love chapter and see how God would want your speech and heart to be. We have to shine. We have to love. We have to be the standard God is raising up. Who is going to show light in this darkness? YOU, children of God. We must stop hurting each other and humble ourselves and pray. Hearts have to be what is important. We need to weep with those that weep and mourn with those that mourn and rejoice with those that rejoice. We do not need to tear anyone down because they see things a little different. Holy Ghost is teaching us all. If we see a grave error, we can talk in love, and we can do it in a private message, not in open arguments on Facebook. Where is God's glory in that? Where is His Kingdom here on earth? It is not in that.
I have seen denominations tear down walls and remember to love. I have also seen them tear people down instead with the need to change another's point of view to theirs. The Bible says LOVE. When Bryan first got into his accident, and to this day, people of all denominations are praying for him. It was and is a beautiful thing. I see God in every last one of them. I see His love. And I see gracious words between them on my page. I am thankful for the love and prayers. Love is extended. I don't think anyone knows what my religion is. I don't actually like that word because it gives God a bad name. For the record, I was raised Methodist, then my Mom remarried a Baptist, Then as a teen I went to a Pentecostal church, then as a young adult a Nondenominational that was Charismatic (I think that is how you would put it) and I love them all, but they are not my religion. Each one has parts I love. But my religion, if anyone ask me, is JESUS. It is all about Him. What He did, why, what He made it possible for us to do. And even He weeps for and with us. Whatever burden we bare, He says to cast on Him. He says to call His Father our Father. He says to love one another. He says no greater love than to lay our life down for another. Can we not just hold our tongue back from lashing out a little bit and season our speech with the grace of our Lord? We can correct...but in love, and if we are not doing it in love, then what are we doing it in?
My heart breaks for what is going on in the world. Jesus in us is the hope of Glory. Let Him shine. Love and bring comfort to those around you. Cry with others. Help others. Love others. rejoice and laugh with others. Think, "others", and your life will be full.
I pray every hurtful place in your heart is given the grace to cry and heal. Let it go. It is going to a safe place. A place where He knows, and He cares, and one day, He will wipe away every tear. My heart is with you. I know that journey of tears. And I know it will be OK. It will be OK. You will be OK.
This painting was painted for the earthquake victims of Nepal. (selling today 7-5-15 for $31.95, prints also available for $5.95-$9.95) I have a ministry partner in Nepal named Evangelist Durbasha Luitel and a young student JFYPA has supported in studies and needs in Bryan's honor. Both say the government is not getting help to the people in the remote areas and not very well in the main areas. They are hungry, and need food, water, blankets, help with roofs for their house with Monsoon season upon them. For some, there is no home anymore. The earthquake took it. If you would like to help, you can click on this link: (you can copy paste and share it, too)
if you would like to be notified when I post new art or stories, please hit the like button on my page and from that same button select get notifications. Here's link: . I Also, I share a story about my son Bryan on a pic with a Lion attached (as well as throughout my blog) Part one, my testimony and what happened to Bryan is on the Lion and more stories on other pics in its comment section. I pray it is a blessing. Please share if you know someone who would be touched. Here is the link to that story:
Thank you so much! God bless you!
Love, Bryan's Mom (Pam)