I stopped in my tracks. Remembering my commitment to getting out of dark depression and speaking words of life. I miss my son Bryan so much, and I just want him healed. But even in this hard situation, God is good. My son melts my heart. And, for him, surely Goodness and Mercy Will follow him, too. His accident was an accident, they happen. I don’t blame God. I get upset sometimes he hasn’t healed him, but I don’t know God’s timing. Please don’t be like Job’s friends with people you see in trials. Spiritual battles are real. Don’t ever think, “what did they do to deserve this?” Fact is, it may be the enemy trying to destroy them, to stop them from the destiny God has. God will turn it around for good.
Jesus came to set the captives free! And, I accept that! I accept all the good God has for my heart! I don’t care what kind of storm you are in. You are not alone! Be set Free! In Jesus Name! Amen!
Much love,
Pam and Bryan 💕
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